Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trip to Monterey

Yes I know that I haven't posted for a while... but it isn't my fault! I have been SO BUSY. On August 26-27, I went to Monteray with my mom and her friends. We only went to the Monteray Bay Aquarium because we had a limited amount of time. On the 27th, we spent half of the day walking in the towns.


This only my pictures form the aquarium, my next post will have pictures of the town in Monteray.

To be continued.....


wmw said...

Wow! Cool shots of the jellyfish!

♥ Aly ♥ said...

Thanks wmw. But I am bummed out that all my fish pictures ended up blur....=(

Anonymous said...

cool shots! we had a great time, didn't we!! Girl power!

Anonymous said...

nice page girl! luv it! luv the pics...

Anonymous said...

Love the pics girl - UL

Anonymous said...

nice pics
especially the jelly fish